

Jhameel is an alternative pop artist from the Bay Area known for his signature sharp black face-paint, his skill in 14 different instruments, his unique and untamed style of dance, and his minimal yet gritty approach to writing and producing internet cult-pop hits. If we go ALL the way back to a decade ago, he started making YouTube videos in the comfort of his garage playing around with a few simple instruments. But, what makes him unique is this musical passion came after enrolling in the ROTC program and joining the military, experiencing a huge ‘life crisis’, getting out and emerging victorious in controlling his destiny, music, and lifepath. In short, he’s awesome — and we chat about the entire musical journey that led up to how he now produces, mixes, creates, writes, and sings all his original songs.

Jhameel (자밀킴): @Instagram & @Youtube
Bedroom Beethovens: @bedroombeethovens
Cello: @mojincello

Marcello Milteer