

The closest thing you're getting to the Purple Tape this decade, Vanderslice slides through the podcast to plug 'Enigma of Dalì,' which blends surrealist art vibes with raw street rap for one of the year’s most immediately engaging releases. It wasn't an easy road to get here though and this 10,000 hour journey is filled with brushes with the law, death, health problems and even though obstacle after obstacle is thrown in his direction whats important is he has the drive and perseverance to overcome it all and remain true to Phoenixville and himself. With 'Enigma of Dalì,' we’re seeing two like-minded artists push themselves even further as they embody the experimentalism of Spanish Surrealist Salvador Dalì. Quite the concept indeed.

Vanderslice: @Twitter & @Instagram
Bedroom Beethovens: @bedroombeethovens
Cello: @mojincello

Marcello Milteer